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This game is a productivity-killer! I loved it. My best was 43 planes.

Glad you liked it!, there are hidden things on higher scores, if you reach 50 you will see something new :D

Dudeeeee a third base was TOO much for me hahaha really fun. Cheers!


Very nice game! It seemed very simple to play at first but it made me change my opinion quickly haha. Kudos on completing some of the bonus challenges!


This is a cute game! I'm assuming it was made via godot based on the line, is that the debug line? I think with some polishing it  could make a cool full game :)

Hi, thanks for your words!, yes, it was done with Godot, but at what line are you referring to? The loading bar/line?

The line that's made when creating the path for the ship to the airport

Ah no, that was expressly developed, it is a Line2D node to put even more color to the path